Kesavan Muthuvel's Personal Home Page

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Double trouble: Wed Lock - 2014| Wedlock Invitation| Thulasi Kesavan| Kundavai Kesavan

 ஓடிய நீளந்தன்னை ஓரெட்டு கூறதாக்கி கூறிலே ஒன்று தள்ளி
          குன்றத்தில் பாதி சேர்த்தால் வருவது கர்ணம் தானே. 
|  length |  height | hypotenuse_tamil| hypotenuse_pyth |match%   |
|      12 |       5 |               13|              13 |100%     |
|      24 |      10 |               26|              26 |100%     |
|       8 |       6 |               10|              10 |100%     |
|       4 |       3 |                5|               5 |100%     |
|      15 |       8 |           17.125|              17 |99.26%   |
|      24 |       7 |             24.5|              25 |98%      |
|      40 |       9 |             39.5|              41 |96.34%   |
|    2192 |    1051 |           2443.5|       2430.9391 |99.48%   |
|    3135 |     686 |         3086.125|       3209.1776 |96.17%   |
|    3510 |     965 |          3553.75|       3640.2369 |97.62%   |
|    2269 |    1614 |         2792.375|       2784.4851 |99.72%   |
|    3669 |    1801 |         4110.875|       4087.1949 |99.42%   |
|    2227 |     997 |         2447.125|       2439.9873 |99.71%   |
|    3927 |     881 |         3876.625|       4024.6105 |96.32%   |
|    1770 |     661 |          1879.25|        1889.397 |99.46%   |
|    3883 |     545 |         3670.125|       3921.0603 |93.6%    |
|    3083 |     813 |         3104.125|       3188.3943 |97.36%   |

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