Kesavan Muthuvel's Personal Home Page

Index| Bookmarks| I'm supporting| More info? (About me!)| Royal Thunderbird!| Maemo N900| Nexus & Pixel (Android + more )| KODI [aka] XBMC | My Public Key (GPG) | My Sign| Travel Snaps| Blog
Thanks to..| Open Materials| interview qns| scripts to look| eBooks Collection| Web Dev tips | Fork my (GitHub) projects!
Looking for a girl| A day - a cartoon| Shameless self promo| Goodbye GMail
தமிழ்: Type தமிழ் | Sorry, pythagoras! | Thirukkural - #PIEM
Tools: What's your IP| Resize your image| Dark status from Tor| Random token gen| RegEx me!
Blogs: (we)blogs from Kesavan| Fallback blogs| Grav, quick logs
Double trouble: Wed Lock - 2014| Wedlock Invitation| Thulasi Kesavan| Kundavai Kesavan

Kesavan Muthuvel's Signature

Here's sign! You can find it on my mails.It's all about GNU/Linux and saying GNU's Not Unix! and my selfishness towards mother Earth and future generations.

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.
♻ Albert Einstein

Kesavan Muthuvel
☎ +1 832-874-4138
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 GNU/Linux | GNU's Not Unix!

"Earth is our mother.We're mother suckers."
Think about electric,petro-oil, green trees before consume.

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