[saranya@saranya:~]$ssh saranya@kesavan The authenticity of host 'kesavan' can be established. RSA key lip print is :*:D;D;*:*:O:*:) Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'kesavan' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. saranya@kesavan's password: *** Last login: This morning from mobile [saranya@kesavan:~]$cat our-life # story of us #!/bin/kish private love(boy,girl){ tour_de_chennai(boy,girl); until(!mobile_battery) txt(‘blab [...] blab’); for(;;){ fight && shout && romance && smile && tear && talk && anger && madness; } return (always(♥)); } public wedding(boy,girl,vip,all){ @loc = (‘pandiyan_mahal’,'madurai'); boy_knots(@(09:00,10:30),$loc); blessings_by(all); yummy_lunch(*); print ‘♥ ♥ ♥ Happy married life ♥ ♥ ♥ ’.’\n’ } love( boy Kesavan , girl Saranya); if(date() === '2014-06-01') # Sunday , Happy Holiday wedding(Kesavan,Sarnaya,You,World); return success; [saranya@kesavan:~]chmod a+x our-life [saranya@kesavan:~]$our-life [saranya@kesavan:~]$cat our-life.log 2011-2014 : memory exceed at private love(); 2014-06-01 : everything exceed by wedlock at public wedding(); [saranya@kesavan:~]$^D
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