Kesavan Muthuvel's Personal Home Page

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Blogs: (we)blogs from Kesavan| Fallback blogs| Grav, quick logs
Double trouble: Wed Lock - 2014| Wedlock Invitation| Thulasi Kesavan| Kundavai Kesavan

Scripts I like

Here are some scripts which are useful for preparations in PHP / MySQL .Please run these.Don't just read this. Thanks to highlight_file() of PHP.

PHP Info | echo Vs print | PHP MCRYPT | PHP FUNCTION(?) | PHP __wakeup() | PHP Date Calc | PHP Multi file attach MAIL | MySQL Date Calc | PHP OOPs | jQuery

class TestClass

    public function __construct()
        $this->server = $server;
        $this->username = $username;
        $this->password = $password;
        $this->db = $db;
public function connect()

/*  public function __sleep()
        echo "kkkkkkk";
public function __wakeup()
" in wakeup";
$class = new TestClass('Hello');

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